Wednesday 16 October 2024

Dragon’s Folly by Joy Lynn Fielding


Book Title: Dragon’s Folly

Author and Publisher: Joy Lynn Fielding

Cover Artist: Miblart

Release Date: October 9, 2024

Pairing:  MM

Tense/POV: Alternating first person pov.

Genres: Paranormal romance (shifters)

Tropes: Grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity, possessive MC, size difference

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 80 000 words

It is a standalone story in a series. 

It contains mild spoilers for the first book in the Wings over Albion series. 

it does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |   Amazon UK 

Falling for him would be pure folly. I know that. 

Now all I have to do is convince my heart…


Allowing a strange dragon into my home was not my idea.

The Assembly assured me it was necessary, though. And that’s how I ended up with him.

Ollie Shaw is clumsy. Unfairly hot. He stumbles through my life leaving a trail of chaos and sunny charm in his wake.

And I hoard every moment with him like he’s my greatest treasure.

But with an entire dragon territory to rule, bills to pay, and treachery brewing in my family, I can’t afford to be distracted by Ollie’s copper-gilded beauty and boundless enthusiasm.

especially can’t give in to my dragon’s primal urge to claim him.

Because loving him could cost me everything I’ve fought so hard to protect. And that would eventually come back to bite us both—with dragon’s teeth…

Dragon’s Folly, Book 3 in the Wings over Albion series, is a sweet and spicy, grumpy/sunshine, forced proximity paranormal m/m romance.


“How much longer do you think they’ll—oh my God.” I interrupted myself. “Who is that?”

Mia stood on tiptoe and followed my awestruck gaze. “Who?” she asked. “The redheaded guy with the beard?”

I revised my impression of her intelligence. “The tall one with the shoulders. Black shirt and black jeans.” Along with dark hair, and did I mention shoulders? He was moving decisively through the throng, bootheels striking the floor in a way that might indicate temper or might simply be supreme self-confidence. He knew other dragons would move out of his way. 

Lean-cheeked and dark-browed, his face was set in stern lines that made my knees weak. This was a dragon who knew what he wanted and took it. I hoped that would include me.

He was heading in our direction, closing on us fast. I’d opened my mouth and started to say God knew what but something to make him notice me, when Mia spoke over the top of my incoherent babble.

“Archer,” she said. “This is Ollie Shaw.”

Oh great, her brother had arrived. What bloody awful timing. Wait a minute—the only person next to us was Mr Sex God himself. He smiled slightly at her, before glancing at me. I’d thought the first Mortimer grandson I’d seen would level Troy. This guy would have the Martians invading to fight over his square jaw and piercing grey eyes.

“Hi,” I said, and hoped my voice hadn’t come out sounding as squeaky as I feared.

He nodded at me, not unfriendly but not friendly. And that was the final nail in my coffin because dark, powerful and emotionally unavailable? It was as if he’d read my teenage diary and was role-playing every one of my fantasies. Almost every one—he hadn’t yet shoved me up against the wall and fucked me. I flicked my tongue over suddenly dry lips and wondered if he could see how ready I was to do anything he told me.

“Good to meet you,” I said belatedly, ducking my head in an attempt at a respectful salute to the head of a family. It didn’t work too well because I couldn’t tear my eyes from his face. From the dark eyebrows that were drawing together as I continued staring at him. “I’m from Tunbridge Wells.” I scarcely knew what I was saying, just that I didn’t want him to leave. “Mia’s been keeping me company.”

His eyes narrowed on me, and how the hell did that make him even sexier? “Has she?” His voice was deep, with a dangerous note that thrilled right to my cock.

“Yes.” That was definitely a squeak, damn it. “She’s very nice.” Oh my God, would someone take me outside and shoot me? 

His expression remained stern. “I’m aware of that.” He glanced at her, seeming to forget my existence. “Let’s go, Mia.”

She gave me a grin that let me know she was fully aware of her brother’s effect on me. “Catch you later, Ollie,” she said, and they left.

About the Author 

Joy Lynn Fielding lives in a small English market town, where she indulges her passions for vintage aircraft, horse riding and gardening (though not all at the same time).

She tends to talk a lot about the fascinating facts she discovers during her research for books. Thankfully, she has a very patient Labrador who has a gift for looking interested in what she’s saying while he waits for the food to arrive.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Monday 14 October 2024

Bridging Lives by Greyson McCoy


Book Title: Bridging Lives

Author: Greyson McCoy

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Rhys Ford

Release Date: October 8, 2024

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: First person, alternating POV

Genres: Contemporary MM Literary Romance

Tropes: Small Town Romance, Hurt/Comfort

Heat Rating: 3 flames

Length: 266 pages

Bridging Lives can be read as a standalone. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK


Cliff Anderson hopes to build on the legacy of his late parents, but that dream seems lost when his California homestead is lost to a wildfire. Devastated, he travels to Oregon to stay with his aunt and uncle on their dairy operation while he makes plans for his future.

College professor Brandon Forest has always yearned for a family and a home of his own. Maybe that’s why, despite being busy with his job and his side gig as a fantasy author, he’s stayed on as a seasonal worker at the dairy farm. The farm feels so welcoming, and working on their dairy farm might be the next step in building the life he’s dreamed of.

Then he meets Cliff.

As Cliff and Brandon confront their own broken pasts, they build a connection that runs deep. Laughter and shared experiences prove to be strong medicine for the wounds life has inflicted on them.

Cliff hasn’t let go of his past or the hopes he had for the farm in California. Will his future burn down as he holds on to lost hopes, or can he blaze a new path with Brandon?


I took a seat in the dining room as Sue yelled up the stairs, “Cliff, we’re sitting down to supper. Come on down.”

I looked at Levi with my eyebrow raised in question. “My cousin,” he said quietly. “His farm was swept up in the California wildfires. Only just arrived in the wee hours.”

I cringed. I’d been watching the news about the horrendous wildfire currently scorching through California. It seemed fires were eating up the forested parts of California and Oregon more and more every year. “That’s awful,” I whispered. “He must be devastated.”

Levi nodded, and a somber mood fell over the table. As talk shifted to fences that still needed repair, I popped into the kitchen to help Sue. I was bringing out a bowl of mashed potatoes when I came around the corner and looked right into the eyes of one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen.

When his eyes locked on mine, I stumbled. In one swift move, he caught me, put me right, and then took the bowl from my hands and placed it on the table.

I was still feeling flustered when he shook my hand and introduced himself as Cliff Anderson—chiseled jawline, lean build, and kind-but-sad eyes.

“I’m Brandon Forest, a friend of Levi’s. Nice to meet you.”

Despite his weary expression, his genuine smile caused my heart to flutter.

Sue brushed past us carrying a platter of pork chops and took her customary seat opposite Chris at the end of the table. Only then did I notice Levi had switched seats. Instead of sitting across from Keya, like usual, he was seated next to her. That left two empty chairs side by side, which meant I’d be sitting beside the handsome stranger all through supper.

A whiff of smoke wafted off him, which must’ve permeated his clothes, and it reminded me of all he’d just gone through. My heart went out to the poor guy. I couldn’t imagine what he was feeling.

About the Author  

Greyson McCoy loves to travel. After years of being tied down to a life of kids, work, running a small farm, and all things domestic, he and his husband have taken full advantage of their empty nest to travel the world.

The joy of writing came to Greyson late in life. While completing his master’s degree, he found himself fighting between desperately wanting to write fiction and finishing the homework and papers he’d been assigned.

After his master’s was finished, Greyson decided to shirk his life of responsibility and pursue his dream of writing full time. His stories reflect many of the locations he and his husband have visited over the years.

Author Links 

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Dragon’s Folly by Joy Lynn Fielding